At the beginning of knitting Quant when it was still looking like a little triangle with a long string attached to it, my roommate walked in and said "Whatchya knittin?" I held it up for him and he said "a thong?"

Imagine you can see the i-cord string, and just a few inches of enterlac.I started to explain what it was when I stopped and really looked at it, he was right. At that point it did look like you could make a cute little thong out if, that is if wooly undergarments are your thing. He suggested wool was much too absorbent and that licorice would be a much better choice for a thong.
I'm not much into thongs, wooly or otherwise, so I continued on with the project as planned. And I must say I think it makes a much cuter ear warmer than it would have thong.

Project details:
Pattern: Quant by Star Athena
Yarn: Taos by Crystal Palace, color number: 17
Needles: US 8, knit picks options
Mods: In the beginning when expanding the i-cord so you can do the set up triangles the increases just say "make 1", for which knitty gives the directions for "make 1 right". I used "make 1 right" and "make 1 left" at the appropriate times. I doubt it made much of a difference, but it made me happy.
New Techniques: I-cord and enterlac

Pattern review: I loved making this pattern. It was simple, well written, and worked up very quickly. I also think enterlac is a really fun and interesting technique. The one thing I'm displeased with is how the ends don't match up.

This would not be difficult to fix, I'm sure someone has already written up directions on how to do so. I was watching prison break, so I didn't notice how badly mismatched the ends were until I had started the i-cord already. This particular yarn doesn't frog well, so I decided it wasn't worth going back to fix. It doesn't show when it's on, but little details like that matter to me. If I ever make the pattern again, I will be sure to make the needed adjustments.
If I were to make it again, I would also make it just a little bit shorter to allow for the patterns natural stretch. It isn't too big as it is, but I would prefer it just a bit shorter.

Luigi was extra special helpful with the picture taking.Yarn thoughts: I really enjoyed this yarn for the most part. The colors are lovely, and the color repeats are long which lends its self well to this pattern. The yarn is very soft and losely plied, and a little fluffy. This does make splitting an issue, though not a major one. Frogging and lots of tinking are difficult in this yarn. I had to frog once and it was a mess of tangles and snags. The yarn also was a lot fuzzier after being frogged.
I think this is a nice yarn, once you are aware of its downsides. It created a very soft and comfy knitted fabric. I'm going to love wearing this thing next winter!