Cast on
Join yarn
Cast off
Fix a dropped stitch
Tink back
Frog (I was so scared my whole scarf would unravel! LOL)
I made…
Three Irish Hiking Scarves
One moss stitch scarf with beaded fringe
Random practice pieces
I started…
Basket weave scarf (frogged the whole thing)
Multidirectional Scarf
In 2007
I will…
Knit something for myself, because I haven’t yet.
Feed my sock obsession with my knitting – Hello Socktopia!
Knit something lacey
Felt something
Attempt some form of color work, even if it is just a swatch.
Personalize this blog a bit more.
And today I thought I’d share that thing I made when learning to knit. You know the thing where you just knit with no real intention of it being anything?

It ended up looking like a scarf.

Thanks for telling me about Socktopia - I'm all signed up and contemplating my first socks!
I was so scared the first time I had to unravel part of a scarf to correct a mistake - I had to have one of my knitting buddies help me (and for moral support)!
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