I look down and what should I see?

Two finished socks staring up at me!

Yarn: Lang Yarn's Jawoll Jacquard, Color: 82.0155
Pattern: Silver's Sock Class
Theme: Celebrate Good Times - because your first pair of socks is always cause for a celebration!
Because you can see her in my sock picture I figured I'd introduce you to my new friend Sophia.

You see right before Christmas D asked me for suggestions for Christmas presents because he wanted to get me a little more than he'd already picked up. I threw out a few ideas and one of them was for him to take me to Build-a-Bear because I had never been. He liked that idea and said he would. Well come Christmas I found out he'd already gotten me plenty of presents so when he forgot about Build-a-Bear I didn't say anything. A few weeks later he remembered saying "Oh no! We forgot to take you to build a bear!". I told him it was alright and he could save the idea for another time, or use it as a surprise. Well this weekend when he picked me up to take me home he started going the wrong way, and to my surprise we ended up at build a bear.
Tomorrow Feburary begins which brings me to thoughts about the new socktopia themes! If I could make any socks I wanted I'd make these:

I love this pattern and think the socks look very romantic but the truth is they are too complicated for me right now. I'm sure I could do them with time, effort and many tears of frustration but that just doesn't seem like much fun.
I have decided to go with the box of chocolate theme and will be doing these in browns:

If I finish the first pair early enough to make a second I'd like to make these for the short and sweet theme:

The future sock patterns are Vogue Knitting on the Go: Socks Two. The book is small, easy to carry and has quite a few cute patterns. The three I posted are my favorite.
congrats on finishing your first pair of socks! they look amazing! I really like that second pair of socks you're going to make in that chocolate brown yarn you've got. the lacy red pair would be tough but they look so cool! oh and what a cute bear you named with cute name to match! :)
Congrats on your first pair of socks!
Yay for you on your socks!! The trick to not getting SSS, cast on right away ;)! shh, don't say anything to my lone thuja sock though ;) I love those red socks you really want to make, lovely, maybe one day you can make them! I've got to choose between chocolate or red...hmmm
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